Monday, September 30, 2013

Invisible alien probes “could already be” in our solar system


Invisible alien probes “could already be” in our solar system

By Rob Waugh
Fleets of robotic space probes from alien civilisations could already
have arrived in our solar system, a mathematical study has found.

The study quotes scientists who warn that we may not be able to detect
them with our technology – the probes may also be so hi-tech they can
“conceal” themselves.

Earth’s own Voyager probe has only just reached the edge or our solar system
– but older alien civilisations could have launched probes long ago, using
knowledge far beyond ours, “slingshotting” round stars using their gravity,
according to a paper in the International Journal of Astrobiology.

Duncan Forgan and Arwen Nicholson of the University of Edinburgh analysed how a
“fleet” of probes could travel through space – and says that probes which
“self-replicate”, building new versions of themselves from gas and dust in space,
would have had time to arrive here already.

But the fact we have not seen any may mean our galaxy is a lonely place,
Dr Forgan warns, “The fact we haven’t seen probes of this type makes it
difficult to believe that probe building civilisations have existed in
the Milky Way in the last few million years”

The probes would only need to travel around 10% of the speed of light to
explore our whole galaxy within 10 million years.


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